Product Manager

Keep all data updated. Always.

Increased efficiency and less manual work

Using Pimics ensures you have all your product data in one place, which makes it easier to manage. We call it Single Point Of Truth, or SPOT. No more searching through countless Excel files, or having different data for the same product in different sales channels. Pimics gives you the necessary tools to improve your productivity and do only the minimum amount of work necessary for setting up your complete product tree.
All you have to care about is your product information in Pimics, nothing else. It will take care of all the rest.
Prod. Manager - Increased efficiency and less manual work

Better product data quality

Pimics includes dedicated functionality for checking data quality at item creation time and before publishing your product catalogue to the sales channel. When you sell online, data completeness and quality is paramount and there is no margin for error. Pimics will ensure everything is where it should be, and your product data is smoothly delivered for a great customer experience and maximised sales.
Prod. Manager - Better product data quality

Better product information exchange with the outside world

Pimics gives you all the advantages associated with being part of the Microsoft ecosystem. It allows you to easily import and export product data from and to a variety of file formats including industry-standard ones like BMECat or DataNorm. Separate publications can be set up for various sales and marketing channels, and Pimics will handle each different channel's data according to their individual requirements and settings.
Prod. Manager - Better product information exchange with the outside world
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